We sure had a full month of exciting programs. In April, there will be some unique events coming up..

JDCC had a booth at the Chabad House Mikvah Fair in Santa Monica on March 5th. Many people were very brave to drive in the heavy rains to attend the Fair! This was a wonderful experience and opportunity to make people aware of JDCC.

We had Rabbi Douglas Goldhamer of Chicago over for Shabbat with 25 participants. A delicious homemade dinner was served. Rabbi Goldhamer led Shabbat services and spoke briefly about Abul Barakat. Howard Rosenblum, a guest, also from Chicago, spoke about Hebrew Seminary of the Deaf and the 1996 NCJD Convention.

JDCC will have a booth at the Deaf Flea Market on March 25th. Literature and flyers will be on the table for patrons to pick up.

We will have a joint program with NCSY/Our Way to go Passover food shopping at Hughes.

Published On: 8 Iyyar 5770 (8 Iyyar 5770 (April 22, 2010))