A High Holy Day Message: Lean On Me in ASL with Rabbi Darby

One of the profound lessons of the Days of Awe is that we don’t go through them alone. Doing “t’shuvah” (return or repentance) is hard, and by doing it together as a community we make it possible for each of us to do our own spiritual work. When things get hard, we lean on each other.

In this particularly challenging High Holy Day season, you can most certainly, “Lean On Me.” I pray these words remind us all of the importance of being there for each other and leaning on each other.

With deep gratitude for our Kerem Shalom community, we will get through this together. I wish us all a meaningful High Holy Day season and a sweet new year.

– Kindness & Shalom, Rabbi Darby

Source: YouTube: Kerem Shalom – Vineyard of Peace

Published On: 13 Tishri 5781 (13 Tishri 5781 (October 1, 2020))