Jewish Signers welcome at Kosher Chinese Restaurant – Newton, MA

Sandy Slavet, director of Jewish Life at Services for People with Disabilities announces an event for people who use sign language:

What: Kosher Chinese Dinner

When: Sunday Feb 10, 2013

Where: Taam China ll
              108 Oak St, Newton

Time: 1:00-3:00

Cost: $5.00 per person

RSVP Deadline: Wed Feb 6, 2013 to Sandy at sslavet@jfcsboston or orgsslavet@jfcsboston. org.

Take a closer look at Jewish Dietary Laws. Taam China is a Glut Kosher Chinese Restaurant

Space is limited – Discussion will be in ASL – no interpreter will be provided

Source: Jewish Signers of MA

Published On: 16 Shevat 5773 (16 Shevat 5773 (January 27, 2013))