Hinda Kasher-Hoffer has created this video series on Jewish signs and she says there is more to come!

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Jew Prayer – Modeh Ani

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Vlog from Hinda Kasher-Hoffer:

Transcript: I would like to share a short video about how I sign those Jewish words. It is my language, based on my background in the Orthodox Jewish Deaf family. My signing is incorporated in American Sign Language, Israeli Sign Language, and developed new signs that feel right and natural to me. If you feel the way I sign is too different, unfit, or doesn’t feel natural to you, then go with what feels most natural to you, and that creates the relationship between you and Hashem. Many people sign differently and that’s okay! Some people asked me about the specific sign I signed for ‘amen’, many years ago I discovered the other sign we use for amen is borrowed from Church, that sign is associated with Jesus, and it has nothing to do with Judaism. I decided to create a sign for amen related to Judaism. Many people are using it too. This sign I created shows when I daven (pray), I sign the words with a strong feeling, for they reach to Hashem, and return to me. Some people prefer to use the different signs for ‘amen’, and that’s fine (thumbs up), more importantly, it is your language by how you express yourself. Am I trying to standardize the Jew signs? Not at all. I want to share Jew signs to create resources. You can like it, learn it, or whatever reason you benefit from my videos. There are many hearing Jewish parents with Deaf children, yet there is a lack of Jewish Deaf resources, therefore, this is the purpose to make resources available, also for the Sign Language Interpreters who don’t know specific Jewish signs. This is not the platform to discuss the right or wrong way, and why’s for every sign. Another example of someone’s sign for Shema is like a sign for “pay attention”, because this person doesn’t feel natural when using the other sign, and that is how this person connects with the specific sign, my sign for Shema is different. As for hearing Jews who daven, none of them pray in the same tone. I would love to see the Jewish Deaf community unite, learn from each other, and honor the difference, we are not all from the same backgrounds but we can support each other.

Hinda’s YouTube channel is Jew.toyb.matzah

Source: Hinda Kasher-Hoffer

Published On: 12 Sivan 5782 (12 Sivan 5782 (June 11, 2022))