Alise Warmund, founder of All Hands Interpreting in Columbus, Ohio, has been working on a survey to help Jewish Deaf people collect data to gain better access to services. She writes, “I sit on many local boards and I have found that they continually want to know data before allocating money. I am trying to collect as much data as I can and am hoping you will also see the value of collecting the information!” She has gotten a good response from oral deaf Jews, but needs more response from Jewish deaf signers. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes. For more information, visit or write to: All Hands Interpreting, Alise Warmund, 2500 Dover Road Columbus, Ohio 43209 614-237-2809 home/office 614-5998377 Cell [email protected] (2-way pager) [email protected]

Published On: 30 Nisan 5770 (30 Nisan 5770 (April 14, 2010))