Boston Hebrew Association of the Deaf has folded after serving Bostonian Deaf Jews for thirty five years since it was organized on October 15, 1961. It was founded by Leon Goodman. Due to lack of participation for several years, they have disbanded and donated their funds to several organizations. $1,000 went to Jewish Deaf Congress, Inc., $3,000 went to Our Way/NCSY in honor of their many years of encouraging young Jewish deaf to participate, learn and explore the ways of a true Jewish life.

Shari Stier, Executive Assistant at the Bureau of Jewish Education of Greater Boston (BJE), tells us for thirty-five years, the Boston HAD has worked to fulfill the Jewish tradition’s fervent hope for an ideal world — a world where “then the eyes of the blind shall be opened And the ears of the deaf unstopped:. (Isaiah 35:5) We, the BJE, are indeed humbled and sincerely grateful to have been entrusted with that mission.

The fund established with the gift of $13,500 will enable the BJE to continue the work of the Association. We will use the proceeds and small portions of the principal annually to conduct training programs for Jewish school teachers, youth workers, and family educators to serve the many hearing impaired children and young adults in the greater Boston Jewish community. More important, by setting up this fund at the Bureau, the mandate to advocate for the needs of Jewish hearing impaired young people throughout our community — a mission we accept.

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))