TVLine Items: Shoshana Stern to appear on Grey’s Anatomy

By Dave Nemetz
January 28 2020, 5:01 PM PST

Grey’s Anatomy is paging Shoshannah Stern: The Supernatural veteran will guest-star in an upcoming episode of the long-running ABC drama.

Stern will play Dr. Lauren Riley, a diagnostics expert who helps DeLuca with a supposedly “incurable” patient. The episode, directed by Grey’s star Jesse Williams, will air Thursday, Feb. 13 at 9/8c.

Known for playing hunter Eileen Leahy on Supernatural, Stern has also appeared on Weeds, Jericho and the Sundance dramedy This Close, which the deaf actress also co-created with Josh Feldman.


Published On: 6 Shevat 5780 (6 Shevat 5780 (February 1, 2020))