Thank You For Your Contributions!
- Marla Berkowitz: In honor of Joseph Berkowitz on his engagement to Jennifer Grossman
- Harold Levy: In honor of Dorothy Lieberman’s 90th Birthday with Best Wishes
- Betsey-Freya Kaplan – In memory of beloved Alvin Ross
Mazel Tov Mazel Tov Mazel Tov
Abigal Finkle – Lynn Brian Foley
July 5, 1998
Philadephia, PA
Stacy Lawrence – Bernard Hurwitz
August 15, 1998
Rochester, NY
Suzy Rosen – Paul Singleton
August 16, 1998
Rockville, MD
Lilly Benedict – Barry Chrisman
August 16, 1998
Eagle Rock, CA
SYMPATHIES goes to the families of:
Phyllis Weiner of Brooklyn, N.Y. – July 5, 1998. Survivors include her husband, Martin and their children, Steve/Tammy and Fred/Lynn and grandchildren: Sarah, Joshua, Allison Joy, Bethany.
Famity of Barney Friedenberg of Las Vegas, TV. – July 23, 1998 at the age of 75 years old. He is survived by his daughter Janice.
Eva Kruger – 90 years old on July 25th in Columbus, OH. Preceded by the death of husband, Art.
Sylvia Winegard – 84 years old – New York on August 10, 1998. Survivors include her children Alan, Jay and Susan and grandchildren Hope and Evan.
Loretta Goldberg – July 25th, 67 years old, Philadelphia, PA. Survivors include her husband, Nathan, daughter Loretta Arrivello and two grandchildren, and one great grandson.
Send us full information
A donation would be welcome.
JDCC News Fund
- Tina Jo Breindel & Joe Dannis – Solana Beach, CA
- Linda Goldbloom – West Hills, CA
- Jerry Gorelick – Scranton, PA
- Nancy Kolotkin – Flushing, N.Y.
- Frieda Merkin – Lake Worth, FL
- Sarah Masters – Rego Park, N.Y.
- Mimi & Steven Mitchell -Fort Myers, FL
- Issy Schlisselman – London, England
- Scott Seigal – Glendale, CA
- Wolk Center for the Deaf – Rochester, N.Y.
- Esther Zawolkow – Rossmoor, CA
Thanks For Renewing Your Support to JDCC News Fund…
- Marla Berkowitz – New York, N.Y.
- Sandra Frankel – Olney, MD
- Sophie Friedlander – Gulfport, FL
- Joanne Greenberg – Golden, CO
- Susan Guthrie – Hamden, CT
- Betsey -Freya Kaplan – Framingham, MA
- Beryl Kohn – Southfield, N.Y.
- Alan Kraus – Clintondale, N.Y.
- Jackie Roth & Alan Rich – New York, N.Y.
- Susan & Brian Saperstein – Brooklyn, N.Y.
- Neala Sillman – Phoenix, AZ
JDCC Is Grateful To …
- Sanford Pollock of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania donating merchandise from his former business to help JDCC raise funds.
- Studerts and director Miriam Brunn Ruberg of the United Hebrew School, an intercongregational afternoon Conservative Hebrew School in Norfolk, Virginia for donating their Tzedakah money to help Jewish Deaf children.
Send E-mail to:
[email protected]
Phyliss Dror Jewish Education Fund

- United Hebrew Sell/Congregation Beth El (Norfolk, VA): In honor of JDCC
- Philip, Martha & Sarah Kalin: In honor of Sarah’s bat mitzvah and appreciation to Joanne Greenberg
- Sandra Frankel: In honor of Austin Frankel’s Bar Mitzvah
- Karen & Kenneth Rothschild: Speedy recovery to Rivka Florsheim and Sharon Ann Soudakoff
- Jackie Roth & Alan Rich: In memory of Walter Roth
- Mitch Adler: In memory of Loretta Goldberg
- Miriam & Moshe Fishman: In memory of Phyliss Dror