Thank You For Your Contributions!

  • Sandra Frankel: In memory of Dr. Robert L. Sharoff, father of Sandra Frankel, grandfather of Austin and Lauren Frankel, husband of Mildred T Sharoff
  • Diana & Brad Kanawyer: In honor of Baby Riva Babe of proud new parents Eric and Jana Brody
  • Frady & Shimon Steinhaus: In honor of JDCC
  • Frieda Merkin: In honor of JDCC
  • Wendy Rabinowitz: In honor of JDCC Rosh Hashana services
  • Jonathan Dow: In honor of JDCC Rosh Hashana services
  • Marlee Grandalski: In honor of JDCC
  • Lauren Abbott: In honor of my grandparents Anne & Joseph C. Abbott on their 60th wedding anniversary
  • Kate & Gary Jacobson: In honor of JDCC
  • Alexis & Gary Kashar: In honor of our families Ander and Kashar
  • David Leigh: In honor of JDCC
  • Becky & Fred Hartman: In honor of birth of their son, Erik Jacob, born on 9/16/99 and had a heart defect. Speedy recovery from his heart surgery.
  • Harold Levy: In memory of Florence Rudman
  • Leon N. Goodman: In memory of my father and mother
  • Sylvia Auerbach: In memory of parents, Eva & Michael Auerbach and brothers Bert and Leon
  • Elaine & George Geltzer: In honor of JDCC – keep up the good work!!!

JDCC News Fund

  • Jennifer Thill: Goddard, KS
  • Misty Isaacson: Highland Park, IL
  • Brianne Burger: Northridge, CA
  • Judy Gansberg: Newton, MA
  • Mimi & Steven Mitchell: Fort Myers, FL
  • Frank Duchoeny: Chomedey, Quebec, Canada
  • Frank Lester. San Francisco, CA
  • Ishai Rosen: Corvallis, OR
  • Daniel B. Lewis: Arlington Heights, IL
  • Bram David Weiser: New York, N.Y.
  • Jill Smith: Deerfield, IL

Thanks For Renewing Your Support to JDCC News Fund…

  • Andrea & Peter Feldman: Frederick, MD
  • Deborah Sonnenstrahl: North Potomac, MD
  • Sandra Frankel: Olney, MD
  • Stu Klugler. Lakewood, CO
  • Lori Calka: Albany, N.Y.
  • Rabbi Alan Henkin: Lancaster, CA
  • Mary & Sherwood Boxer. Gemmantown, MD
  • Judi & Elliott Fromberg: Simi Valley, CA
  • Jerry Gorelick: Scranton, PA
  • Rachel Mizrahie: Los Angeles, CA
  • Libby Matlin: Highland Park, IL
  • Sheila Moskowitz: Northridge, CA
  • Sophie & Herb Friedlander: Gulfport, FL
  • Roslyn & Bamet Cooperman: Beverly Hills, CA
  • Jacqueline Schertz: Rochester, N.Y.
  • Lilly & Edward Shirey: Lanham, MD
  • Alice Hagemeyer: Silver Spring, MD
  • Hana Niv & Jay Malmeth: Reseda, CA
  • Frieda Merkin: Lake Worth, FL
  • Lauren Abbott: Sherman Oaks, CA
  • Kate & Gary Jacobson: Canoga Park, CA
  • Florence Goldberg Angelucci: Geneva, IL
  • Alexis & Gary Kashar: Encino, CA
  • David Perlovsky: Sherman Oaks, CA
  • Dorothy & Fredric Levenson: Melville, N.Y.
  • Brad Cohen: Woodland Hills, CA
  • Becky & Fred Hartman: Clarksville, MD
  • Harold Levy: Riverside, CA
  • Debra & James Heaphy: American Canyon, CA
  • D. A. Sachs: Oakland, CA
  • Leon N. Goodman: Brookline, MA
  • Sylvia Auerbach: Sunnyside, N.Y.
  • Elaine & George Geltzer: Forest Hills, N.Y.
  • Eileen & Fred Katz: Brooklyn, N.Y.
  • Nina & Jerome Treiman: Woodland Hills, CA
  • Roberta & Abraham Cohen: Miami, FL

Send E-mail to: [email protected].

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))