Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Climate Conference

YCT, currently in its 20th year, is hosting its second annual Climate Conference on zoom on July 25, 2021 from 7-1pm EST.

This virtual conference will focus on Torah, climate change and Smemitah with YCT faculty members and other experts.

According to the announcement, Capitalizing on last year’s successful program, YCT Rabbinical School invites you to its second annual climate conference, which will take place on Zoom on the evening of Sunday, July 25, 2021, beginning at 7pm Eastern. This year’s program will feature in-depth Torah presentations and discussion from a range of North American and Israeli rabbis, focusing on climate change in Jewish Law, while also looking at how it is already impacting local communities. The program will conclude with a choice of three sessions, where participants will hear from a variety of experts on various topics. The program will include both CC and ASL (Please register to request accessibility options for breakout sessions). Registration and other information can be found at

For more information, contact [email protected]

Source: Mattice Aaronson

Published On: 3 Av 5781 (3 Av 5781 (July 12, 2021))