Yahoo! Answers: Can i make aliyah to israel even if i am a hearing impaired convert?

makealiyahYahoo! Answers Singapore
Question posted 1/25/2011

Open Question
Can i make aliyah to israel even if i am a hearing impaired convert?

i converted in 2009 and was already involved in jewish community before i became jewish and i planned to make aliyah to israel and was still involved in jewish life and community but the ministry of interior says you are not jewish enough and you are denied and did not fulfill the requirements i have letter from rabbi stated i am jewish and i did take all studies, and passed and i had completed every step to this far i am hearing impaired, someone said they may be offended by a hearing impaired or deaf person who is a convert or any person who is disabled, they were trying to intimidate me or something, i moved home to family because of family emergency and they pleaded me to come home to care for family member or he would die, i was taking care of him and still had plans to make aliyah they kept denying me and other jews too my representative closed my file out and all cases closed indefinitely. this is wrong i don’t know what else to do now they made me the loser and they won thier round and this is very much angers me when people do things like this to me i worked with handicap kids in summer in parks outdoors and on passenger cruise ships and never had a problem with them why with ministry of interior they are trying to ask all people for police reports, and the knesset blasted them for that and said no jew needs that it was no requirement, we believe there may be ultra orthodox people working inside the offices of the ministry of interior what do i need to do now how do i solve this issue and the big problem.

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Published On: 21 Shevat 5771 (21 Shevat 5771 (January 26, 2011))