WSJD Annual Appeal 2017: Make a Difference

WSJD Annual Appeal 2017: Make a Difference


Washington Society of Jewish Deaf
11 December 2017

Dear Member of the WSJD Community,

It’s that time of this year…that’s right, we’re asking for gelts. Before you close this email, consider this: In 2017, WSJD had a year filled with wonderful programs that brought together the Jewish Deaf Community.

We hosted happy hour events, Havdalah Yoga, Passover Seder, Lag B’Omer Picnic, ASL High Holy Days, Museum Crawl and Synagogue Tours, Annual Hanukkah Potluck, and more.

As Hanukkah begins this Tuesday, December 12, please consider giving tzedekah (charity) to Washington Society of Jewish Deaf to help cover the costs of more great upcoming programs in 2018! There are two ways to donate!

1. Fill out the form online and pay through PayPal. To fill out the form online, click here.

2. You fill out the form and mail a check. To download the mail-in form, click here. Print the form, fill it out, and mail it along with a check made payable to WSJD with the words, “Annual Appeal” in the subject line. Mail it to:

Ms. Vicki Lowen
c/o Washington Society of Jewish Deaf
P.O. Box 4141
West McLean, VA 22103-4141

We also want to thank all of you who have given in the past and intend to give again this year. Voluntary giving is fundamental to ensuring a fiscally sound budget and is a mitzvah of the highest level. You can help make a real difference in our community.

Last but not least, don’t forget to register for WSJD’s Annual Hanukkah Potluck, scheduled for Saturday, December 16, from 4 – 9 p.m. Registration is still open. To sign up for potluck and register (for a guest count), click here.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, we wish you and your loved ones a joyous and a meaningful Hanukkah holiday.

With much warmth,
Susan F. Cohen

Source: Washington Society of Jewish Deaf

Published On: 23 Tevet 5778 (23 Tevet 5778 (January 10, 2018))