Melinda Weinrib at the Wolk Center for the Deaf announces they hosted a Chanukkah party on December 12, 1998 at the Student Alumni Union (in the fireside lounge). Approximately 30 people attended this event. Arkady Belozovsky, a NTID staff, told about the importance of Chanukkah and the significance of lighting the Menorah. Students listened to Chanukkah stories, ate lathes, Chanukkah gelts and played games. Kenneth Rothschild was our guest speaker who is a stamp collector discussing an interesting topic, “Deaf View with a Stamp” related to the stamps from all over the world with deaf culture. Menorahs and candles (donated by Chabad) were provided to the students to take home.

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))