Marla Berkowitz is scheduled to moderate an “interactive dialogue workshop, “‘Finding a Spiritual Home: Where Do Jewish Deaf Go?’ at College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts on February 24th with dairy lunch to follow. Targeted at Rabbis and hearing individuals in the Jewish community to learn how to ensure better access for Deaf community members as well as Jewish Deaf individuals to strategies how to become more informed and interpreters, questions such as the following will be addressed: Where do Jewish Deaf go to in this secular society; why do large numbers of Jewish Deaf remain unaffiliated with synagogues and local Jewish Deaf organizations; who will keep the Jewish Deaf flame burning on behalf of the Jewish Deaf community? Continuing education credit is available. For information, contact Judy Fask at (508) 793-3038 TTY or e-mail to jfask@

Published On: 1 Iyyar 5770 (1 Iyyar 5770 (April 15, 2010))