Two Brooklyn special needs preschools took $1.4 million in public money for unqualified uses like staff bonuses

Two Brooklyn special needs preschools took $1.4 million in public money for unqualified uses like staff bonuses

Photo: State Controller Thomas DiNapoli said the schools used taxpayer reimbursements for $194,438 in staff bonuses and $132,377 for excessive executive compensation. (Mike Groll/AP)

Lisa L. Colangelo
Ben Chapman
Tuesday, November 22, 2016, 10:33 PM

 Two Brooklyn preschools for kids with special needs claimed $1.4 million in taxpayer reimbursements for ineligible costs, a report issued Tuesday by state Controller Thomas DiNapoli charged.

DiNapoli said the Hebrew Institute for the Deaf and Exceptional Children used public money to fund $194,438 in bonuses for staffers and another $132,377 for excessive executive compensation.

DiNapoli uncovered other instances of fiscal mismanagement at Aim High Children

Published On: 9 Kislev 5777 (9 Kislev 5777 (December 9, 2016))