Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf – Los Angeles, CA

Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf - Los Angeles, CA 

Rabbi Dalia Samansky is TBS’s new rabbi

Rabbi Dalia Samansky performs her first service at Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf on September 16th when she conducts a Shabbat service with wine & cheese tasting.

Rabbi Samansky is not new to TBS; she filled in when previous Rabbi Deborah was pregnant.

Rabbi Samansky will also officiate over TBS’ High Holy Days.

She came highly recommended by Rabbi Deborah according to TBS president Joe Slotnick, “they met and worked out an exciting new model for our Friday services, that may be more suited to TBS: one Shabbat a month we will still meet at TAS in the chapel as we have done for several years and then one Shabbat a month a TBS member will host a small Shabbat service in their home.”

Rabbi Samansky teaches several courses on Jewish theology, history, culture and Bible at the Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning, and is chaplain for VITAS Innovative Hospice Care dealing with patients and their families as they navigate through life

Published On: 9 Av 5776 (9 Av 5776 (August 13, 2016))