Nona Balk with Hebrew Seminary of the Deaf (HSD) in Skokie, IL has announced that they are organizing a summer program with five Jewish Deaf educators. Scheduled to give presentations in August: Dr. Simon Carmel on Jewish Deaf Folklore/Heritage; Dr. Larry Fleischer on Jewish Deaf Culture; Rabbi Douglas Goldhamer, DO on Jewish Deaf Medieval Philosopher: Abul Barakat; Dr. Bernard Bragg on Judaism in Drama, and Dr. Curtis Robbins on Jewish Deaf History in Education. All presentations will be held in the evenings at HSD and accessible to both Deaf and hearing participants. Since seating is limited, reservations are required. For information, contact HSD at 847t677-6724 TTY, 847/677-3330 Voice or email to

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))