Camp Ramah in the Poconos announces its 4th annual Kesher Camper Program for Jewish Deaf Youth ages 9 -15 years an overnight Jewish camping experience in Lake Como, PA.

This year’s program will be from Tuesday, July 23 to Thursday, August 1, 2002. It is a 10-day Jewish camp experience under the directorship of a trained Jewish Deaf Educator. Campers will enjoy full use of all Ramah facilities and partially integrated programming with hearing campers. Trained Deaf counselors and American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters will ensure that the campers have a fully accessible communication environment. The tuition is $1500 per camper. Please note that the costs reflect a uniquely qualified and specialist staff. If you are interested, but may need some financial assistance, please contact us! Scholarships are available.

For more information, contact: Marla C. Berkowitz, Kesher Program Director Camp Ramah in the Poconos The Pavilion, Suite 734 Jenkintown, PA 19046. Call 215-885-2637 TTY, 215-885-8556 Voice, 215-885-8905 FAX, or E-mail: [email protected].

Published On: 1 Iyyar 5770 (1 Iyyar 5770 (April 15, 2010))