Study the Wisdom of the Sages Online With Hebrew Seminary’s Contemporary Thought Leaders

Hebrew Seminary, a Rabbinical School for Deaf & Hearing in Skokie, IL announces online classes on Tuesdays.

Summer Semester 2020 – 22 June – 23 August 2020

Study the Wisdom of the Sages Online With Hebrew Seminary’s Contemporary Thought LeadersTuesdays, 2-3pm:
Rabbi Daniel Vaisrub, Professor of Talmud will discuss “The Art of Talmud” and go over text from BT Avodah Zarah 40-b-41a.

“We will journey our way through a fun Talmudic sugya on Judaism and Art History. Side trips include visits to Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Rome, Troyes, and Ramerupt.

Topics include:

  • Intro: what is the Talmud, and why should I care?
  • Ancient idolatry, modern idolatry
  • Judaism emerging in the midst of a Graeco-Roman civilization
  • Judaism as layered, emerging tradition
  • Reading and rereading our ancestors’ teachings
  • Changing circumstances, changing practices
  • History of Science — Tosafot, Maimonides, Alexander the Great, and flat earthers
  • Art and philosophy: what does it mean for something to mean something?
  • Post-modernism and the Talmud: did the Talmud really beat European philosophers by 1200 years?

tudy the Wisdom of the Sages Online With Hebrew Seminary’s Contemporary Thought Leaders

Sundays, 1-2.30pm:
Rahmiel Hayyim Drizin, Professor of Kabbalah will discuss “Studies In Zohar”.


Class description on their website says: “This class will examine classic Zohar sections that appear in the beginning of the Holy Zohar, using Daniel Matt’s wondrous translation as a side text. Continuing from last Semester, with context provided for new students, we will move through the Zohar with an eye towards meditative connection and personal transcendence.”

For information, call 847-679-4113 or email [email protected]


Published On: 11 Av 5780 (11 Av 5780 (August 1, 2020))