September Video and Blog Postings from JDMM

ParshasKiSeitzeiParshas Nitzavim
Parshas Nitzavim opens up with the words, “You are standing today, all of you, before G-d, your G-d.”

There is so much we can ask about this verse.

For starters, which day is “today” talking about? Why does the Torah emphasize the words, “all of you”? And why is it important that we are standing before “G-d”?

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Parshas Vayeilech
The Torah teaches that before Moses gave his last speech to the entire Jewish nation, he first made a short trip to the house of study.

Now, Moses was the ultimate teacher of Torah to the Jewish nation. So why would he need to visit the house of study? He was a walking house of study!

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Parshas Ki Seitzei
Among the many topics and laws found in this week’s parsha is the  rule to build a fence around the roofs of our homes.

What spiritual symbolism does this have for our lives?

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Parshas Ki Savo
In chapter 28, verse 47, the Torah writes that bad things will fall upon the Jews “because you did not serve the Lord, your God, with happiness and with gladness of heart, when [you had an] abundance of everything.”

So we can certainly see the importance of being happy in our service of G-d!

But how do we become happy, if everything that happens to us seems to be bad?

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“It’s All About the Perspective”
JDMM blog posting “What importance do you place on having a Jewish education?”

     See Blog –


Parshas Haazinu
The bulk of the parsha is a song composed by Moses on the day he passed away. One of the imagery used in this song is a rope to represent our relationship with G-d.

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Happy Rosh Hashanah
On behalf of the staff at Jewish Deaf Multimedia:
     Enjoy the learning, and have a Shanah Tovah Umetuka (A good and sweet new year)!
     May you and your family be inscribed in the Book of Life!

Source: Jewish Deaf Multimedia (JDMM).

Published On: 17 Elul 5771 (17 Elul 5771 (September 16, 2011))