Saying The Brachah



Rabbi Eliezer Lederfeind of Orthodox Union’s ‘Our Way’ deaf program in New York has a program for deaf and hard of hearing youngsters. They have developed written educational materials “designed to help deaf Jews perform mitzvot in ways most meaningful to them. Among these are handbooks on how to ‘sign’ brachot.” OU/NCSY explains that signing a brachah is a “rich expression of devotion to the mitzvah, requiring considerably more concentration than quickly mouthing a few words. One must study the chart demonstrating the brachah in sign language, absorb the significance of the words, and then speak to Hashem both orally and with a series of gestures…” Techia Kastor directed the development of a sign chart for the program with artwork done by Esky Cook. Rabbi Lederfeind is currently trying to raise $5,000 to produce several thousand laminated copies of the sign chart for distribution to Jews of all ages. For more information, contact Rabbi Lederfeind at OU/NCSY, 212/613-8234 Voice.

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))