Reed Gershwind Appointed New ICSD Technical Commission Chair

Reed_GershwindInternational Committee of Sports for the Deaf (CISS)
Posted: 6 July 2012

ICSD Swimming Technical Director Reed Gershwind (USA), has been appointed the new chair of ICSD’s Technical Commission. Reed is one of the most successful Deaflympians of all time, competing in five Deaflympics and winning no fewer than 13 gold medals in swimming and waterpolo.

“ICSD is fortunate in having so many passionate and knowledgeable technical directors,:” said ICSD President Craig Crowley. “The technical commission should be an excellent link between the board & staff and those TDs. I am grateful that Reed is prepared to lead the commission.” added Crowley.

The technical commission’s first priority will be to review Deaflympics technical issues, to assist Bulgaria in preparing for the Sofia 2013 Deaflympics.


Published On: 9 Av 5772 (9 Av 5772 (July 28, 2012))