Rachel Furman is editor of ‘JewishMatch’, a new internet service for Jewish Single people. In an e-mail message to JDCC News, Furman explains that she is “also hearing impaired. I wear hearing aids in both ears. I do not use sign language to communicate although’ I know a little bit of it–having taken a course in ASL about 4 years ago–for fun. I am the editor of the below mentioned magazine and would love contributions from Deaf Jewish Singles. Their viewpoints are important too.”

Jewish Match. We are pleased to announce the debut of a new online magazine for Jewish Singles at www.jewishmatch.com.

What is JewishMatch? JewishMatch is a lifestyle offering, dedicated to providing its members with specific tools and information needed to make “Jewish single life” healthy, rewarding and fun. JewishMatch.com will be the leading site devoted to bringing our singles together in a dignified environment. As a whole, it also provides singles with a comfortable global space in which to interact.

JewishMatch is a magazine for YOUR lifestyle. We promise to deliver scintillating and relevant content on topics such as Romance, Health, Work, Money, Food, Relationships, Shopping, Travel, Astrology, and a bissele Torah to boot.

A comprehensive, international calendar of events, with geographic links will be a fundamental part of JewishMatch. Other features will include advice from the experts, chat rooms, message boards, dating services, matchmaking services, and personals. All our basic services are free, with special features available for paying members. Our magazine will reflect the entire spectrum of Jewish religious, social and political thought from left to right, Orthodox to secular.

Many of the articles within each issue are from those who live, eat, breathe, and enjoy their single status. They share their ups and downs, their joys and pains, and their hopes and fears like all of us. In so doing, they are giving us the opportunity also share of ourselves. These articles will hopefully generate some thought provoking comments in our forums and chat rooms.

Come to JewishMatch.com and check it out. We look forward to your visit.

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))