Producer & Performer Gershon Veroba, whose recent albums have released successful music videos, has seen to it that a growing number of his videos serve include with captions and lyrics. One of the videos from his new album, “Ani Yisrael” (“I Am Israel”) is a song called “Let Me Be,” which protests Israel’s struggle against hate, criticism, violence and ignorance. The video has been met with an impressive combination of appreciation & even controversy, Captioned in both English and Hebrew, the video has received praise even from Israel’s Knesset and numerous support organizations, while becoming a target of anti-Israel hate groups.
“This attention has actually shown me,” Gershon says, “that the video struck many nerves and reaches the very core of right and wrong, which I’m very proud of. It’s essential to include all communities in its audience, especially the hearing-impaired. JDDC members are members of our families, they love Israel and they certainly unite with all of us as we support her.”
Gershon’s company, Town 6 Entertainment, whose slogan is “Bringing worlds together,” was established with divisions like Town 6 video and G-Major Events to create recorded and live musical production, both in the US and around the world, including captioned and lyric videos for a growing audience.
“Sometimes, simply taking action is the best way to be heard, so please enjoy and share with everyone.” You can find information, music and videos, on Town 6 Entertainment’s website, www.town6.com, where you can also find links to subscribe, “Like” and share on social media.
Source: Gershon Veroba