New JDMM video: Parshas Metzora

ParshasMetzoraThis week’s parshap video from Jewish Deaf Multimedia (JDMM) – Parshas Metzora – continues theme in last week’s JDMM video, parsha: tzaraas.

Tzaraas (as known as “leprosy”) was a disease that appeared on the body of a person who gossiped. This was in order to encourage him to improve his behavior.

This week we focus on the theme of gossip, or “lashon hara” in Hebrew. Find the connection between a Chassidic tale of the Baal Shem Tov, gossip, and the Temple in Jerusalem.

To see video:

Published On: 17 Nisan 5771 (17 Nisan 5771 (April 21, 2011))