My Jewish Discovery Museum

We had twenty-three of us having a ball learning about our Jewish identity and as heritage. It was a real treat. The kids had the opportunity to dress up as a captain, be a pilot to fly to Israel, dress up as a bride, go to Temple and open the ark or get on the bimah, a quiz on Judaism, map of Israel in a sandbox like and move boats along the ocean.They also had an art project making a mezuzah, (the thing you have on all doors that has the portion of the Bible inside it) and create your own coloring then write a personal message to insert inside the mezuzah, then glued a stick on back so we can nail to the doorpost. Thanks to Sherri Kadovitz, Museum Director for making this tour possible.
Make a Face
Justin & Hetty Rothenberg

Captain Joshua Ari Soudakoff
EL AL – Flying to Israel from LAX

Getting Ready For Shabbat
Rebecca Lovitch

Here Comes the Bride
Marb Lovitch

Map of Israel
Michael Adam Soudakoff

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))