Meet the 2016 Gilda Slifka HBI Interns

 Meet the 2016 Gilda Slifka HBI Interns

June 30, 2016
Hadassah-Brandeis Insitute

Among one of 8 interns is:

Claire English is from Montreal, Canada, where she is earning a doctorate in Religion at Concordia University. English studies disability in the context of Jewish communities, history and texts. She will write her thesis on Jewish deaf communities in American urban environments from the 1880s to the 1940s.

While at HBI, English is interested in stepping away from the traditional medium of academic writing and attempting a piece of textile art. Inspired by the space at HBI, where art hangs on every wall, she is interested in experimenting with research-creation in order to explore different ways of producing and conveying knowledge. The theme of the work will take up representations of disability in Talmudic texts and attempt to relate them to contemporary realities through consultation with local community organizations in the Greater Boston area.

English is also working with Professor and Rabbi Jane Kanarek of Hebrew College to examine a portion of tractate Arakhin, as found in the Babylonian Talmud. This research will contribute to the production of a complete feminist analysis of Arakhin for inclusion in the Feminist Commentary on the Babylonian Talmud, an ongoing scholarly project conceived by Professor Tal Ilan, of the Freie Universität Berlin.

In her limited free time, English enjoys swimming and watching films. She would love to travel, but for now is busy earning her doctorate.



Published On: 28 Sivan 5776 (28 Sivan 5776 (July 4, 2016))