Mark Zaurov at international Shoah Foundation conference in California

Mark Zaurov at international Shoah Foundation conference in California

Mark Zaurov participated in a panel “Oral History and Mediation” on 17 November 2014.

Representing University of Hamburg, Mark spoke on “Deaf Holocaust Survivors on Visual Media.”

This panel was part of an international conference “Memory, Media, and Technology: Exploring the Trajectories of Schindler’s List” held at University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA.

The conference was hosted by the university’s Shoah Foundation, The Institute for Visual History and Education.”

According to description on the conference website, Mark ” is an independent scholar and a doctoral candidate at the University of Hamburg. He has won fellowships with the Charles H. Revson Foundation and the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum), among others. Zaurov’s research interests include Deaf Jews in Art, Politics and Sciences, and the Deaf Holocaust.

“He founded the Association of Deaf Jews and descendants in Germany, the only association following in the footsteps of the Jewish Deaf Association founded in 1896 and destroyed in Nazi Germany in 1937. Under his presidency and in collaboration with the Berlin Senate for Cultural Affairs, he initiated a free-standing digital memorial board in the heart of Berlin commemorating the predecessor association in German and International Sign Languages. He is currently working on the production of education materials about the Deaf Holocaust, Deaf Jews and Deaf Nazis in the NS-era in German Sign Language.

“He has published books about Deaf Jews, including Gehörlose Juden – eine doppelte kulturelle Minderheit (Deaf Jews – a double cultural minority), and about the fate of Deaf persons in Nazi Germany, including The Deaf Holocaust: Overcoming the Past, Determining its Consequences and Finding Solutions for the Present.”



Published On: 12 Shevat 5775 (12 Shevat 5775 (February 1, 2015))