What is different from kosher and treif (nonkosher) Chinese food? There is no shrimp, lobster, scallops, squid, oyster, lard, ham or pork (wonton) dishes because these animals are not kosher. In the Bible, it states, these animals are either “swarming things of the water and all other living creatures that are in the waters (Lev.11:10) or “things that swarm upon the earth, anything that crawls on its belly, or anything that walks on fours, or anything that has many legs.” (Lev. 11:42)
Duck, pigeon, and goose which are very popular Chinese dishes are kosher. These are kosher birds. The Bible does not stipulate identifying characteristics for birds, but the Mishnah states that Ha bird that seizes food in its claws is unclean; (white) one which has an extra talon, a craw and the skin of whose stomach (gizzard) can be peeled, is clean.. (Hulin 3:6)
Catfish and shark is not kosher because they do not have both fins and scales. According to the Bible, only fish which have both fins and scales are considered “clean” (Kosher).