Judaism Interpreters Workshop – NYC

JDRCThe Jewish Deaf Resource Center (JDRC, www.JDRC.org) is presenting “Judaism 101: A Workshop for Interpreters in ASL” at Congregation Rodeph Sholom (7 West 83rd Street in Manhattan) from 10:30am to 4pm on Sunday, November 20, 2011.

Jessica Ames, CI, CT, and Naomi Brunnlehrman, MA will lead an interactive presentation.

Interpreters, interpreting students and deaf members are welcome. There will be a kosher dairy lunch, and 0.5 RID CEUs will also be awarded.

Registration form can be downloaded at bit.ly/JDRCNov20PDF. For registration information, email info@jdrc.org.

Source: Jewish Deaf Resource Center

Published On: 4 Heshvan 5772 (4 Heshvan 5772 (November 1, 2011))