Job Posting: DIRECTOR OF PROGRAMMING WANTED, metro Washington, DC

The Washington Society of Jewish Deaf (WSJD) seeks a candidate to fill the Director of Programming position.

The WSJD offers opportunities for Deaf Jews in Maryland, Virginia, and DC to gather as a community to develop a strong sense of Jewish connections. WSJD’s primary purpose is to serve the cultural, spiritual, social, and educational needs of the Jewish deaf and hard of hearing community. WSJD also promotes and advocates deaf awareness among the greater Jewish community, including synagogues, community agencies, and schools.

Duties and Responsibilities:

The Program Director, hired by WSJD, is expected at a minimum to do the following:

    Manage a set of programs/events for the year
    Oversee logistics for each program/event including reservations, food, volunteers, and other related areas
    Promote all WSJD events through social media outlets
    Work with webmaster to update events on the website
    Participate in WSJD Board Meetings as a non-voting member
    Assist in fundraising efforts

Minimum Qualifications:

    Bachelor’s degree
    Must have experience in event programming and logistical management
    Basic understanding of Jewish life, culture, and religious practices
    Fluent in American Sign Language
    Have an ability to work independently and to collaborate with others
    Proficient with Microsoft Office applications (MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
    Experience in working with event management software (desired, although not required)

Necessary Competencies: (skills, knowledge, and experience)

    Possesses clear and effective verbal and written communication skills, in person, via email, and VP/FT/phone
    Exemplifies a leadership style that is collaborative and inclusive
    Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of cultural values of the deaf community
    Demonstrates ability to delegate tasks
    Ability to prioritize and manage multiple tasks with competing deadlines

Approximate average hours worked per week: 5-7, which may vary depending on the time of the year, vacations, holidays, etc.

Salary: $10,000

How to apply? Email a cover letter and resume to: [email protected]. Candidates are also invited to prepare a video version of the cover letter and include a link to the video (e.g. via YouTube or Vimeo) in the application email.

Questions? Email Jeff Cohen, WSJD President, at [email protected].

Application deadline: February 24, 2016

Source: Washington Society of Jewish Deaf


Published On: 23 Shevat 5776 (23 Shevat 5776 (February 2, 2016))