Jewish mobile company introduces Sign language App by Marlee Matlin

MarleeApp1Rob Shoesmith with MEDL Mobile reports that the company, whose owners are from Jewish background, has partnered with Marlee Matlin to release a fun interactive sign language iPhone and iPad app. “The app landed yesterday on the App Store,” Rob says.

MarleeApp2“Marlee, who is deaf herself, developed the app to assist in teaching deaf and non deaf people alike. She is very passionate about it and being a major celebrity want’s to use her influence to raise awareness.”

“While we are not closely tied to the Deaf Community as a company, we are committed toward finding ways to use mobile technology to improve the world we live in,” co-owner Dave Swartz says, “When we first met with Marlee and Jack to discuss the app idea, it became very clear that this was a tool that could help a large number of people.”

The app can be downloaded free on both iPhone and iPad with options to download lesson packs.

MarleeApp3Itunes Link –

Source: MEDL Mobile

Published On: 30 Tishri 5773 (30 Tishri 5773 (October 16, 2012))