The Jewish Sign E-mail Discussion Group (JSDG) is an on-line community dedicated to the exploration and discussion of issues related to Sign language in Jewish settings. The group includes Deaf and hearing, interpreters, educators, rabbis, rabbinical students, parents, and other interested parties.

JSDG is a “live-moderated” e-mail list. JSDG is nondenominational and non-commercial, political or theological messages, solicitations, or commercial advertisements are not accepted and will not be posted. Certain events, news items, and products which are relevant to the mission of JSDG and of general interest to its members may be posted at the discretion of the list moderator.

Free and open discussion and debate are encouraged, with the understanding that members will follow the standards of proper and respectful speech taught by Jewish law and tradition.

Please direct all inquiries, including requests for membership in JSDG to David Kay, List Moderator by e-mail: [email protected]

Published On: 30 Nisan 5770 (30 Nisan 5770 (April 14, 2010))