Jewish Author includes Deaf Characters in books


Elyse Salpeter, an author has written a “Deaf thriller series” called FLYING TO THE LIGHT and FLYING TO THE FIRE.

FLYING TO THE FIRE“We seldom see Deaf Characters in mainstream literature,” Salpeter explains, “and I’m aiming to change that. I am a Jewish author… Both books have been written up by Sharon Pajka, a professor at Gallaudet and have hit the top spots on many Goodreads Listopia lists for books with deaf characters.

Salpeter has spoken at various deaf schools and looks for different ways to showcase the novel to readers and followers. “I’ve found getting kids to read the most challenging thing in the community and seeing someone that “looks like them” is a great way to reach them.”

The novels are about a young deaf boy who knows about the afterlife and now people are after him for the answer. In Book #1 he is just six years old and now in Book #2 he is thirteen, which I think is great because he is the real driver of the story. The family primarily uses sign language to communicate with him and they never consider his deafness a disability – it is simply a part of who he is.

Flying to the Light:

Flying to the Fire:

Source: Elyse Salpeter

Published On: 10 Tishri 5775 (10 Tishri 5775 (October 4, 2014))