JDMM Video: Parshas Tetzaveh

ParshasTetzavehLatest video from Jewish Deaf Multimedia (JDMM) discusses the building of the Tabernacle in the desert.

“One of the most intriguing things about this week’s parsha is the fact that Moses’ name does not appear anywhere in it!” the JDMM announcement states, “This is the only time this occurs, from the time Moses was born (in Parshas Shemos) all the way up to the last parsha in the Torah.

“What is the reason for this, and what lesson in “ahavas Yisrael” (love of a fellow Jew) can we learn from this?”

Parshas Tetzaveh video – jewishdeafmm.org/parshas-tetzaveh

Published On: 3 Adar I 5771 (3 Adar I 5771 (February 7, 2011))