JDMM Video: Parshas Pekude

ParshasPekudeParshas Pekude is the last parsha in this book.

The theme of this week’s parsha is the building of the Tabernacle. As in Parshas Terumah, Parshas Tetzaveh, and Parshas Vayakhel, we read in detail about how the Tabernacle was constructed.

Why does the Torah extensively discuss the construction of the Tabernacle, to the point where it describes the building process twice? And what personal lesson can we learn from the Tabernacle and what it means to G-d?

Watch the video and get the two answers at jewishdeafmultimedia.createsend1.com/t/r/l/yulrhdy/ukliltwh/y

Published On: 26 Adar I 5771 (26 Adar I 5771 (March 2, 2011))