JDMM posts new items, update and survey

SiriBergLatest addition to JDMM Art Gallery
Siri Berg, who was born in Stockholm, Sweden and currenty resides in New York City “where Jewish culture and life is vibrant, much admired and appreciated.” JDMM says “Its beautiful blend of colors and shapes is a wonderful reflection of the abstractness found in Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism.”

     Visit JDMM Art Gallery: jewishdeafmm.org/siri-art

Blog: “Hebrew’s Origins – As Proved by a Deaf Person”
HebrewOriginsThis new blog talks about a man by the name of van Helmont in the 1600’s who believed that Hebrew was the language most suited for a human to speak. He attempted to prove this idea through an experiment involving a deaf person. Though his experiment was not exactly “scientific”, his ideas have a basis in Jewish tradition.

      Read blog – jewishdeafmm.org/blog/13501141



Blog: “Are You Cheresh Or What?”
ChereshA discussion of halacha (Jewish Law).

     Read blog – jewishdeafmm.org/blog/13504714


JDMM plans to have a booth at DeafNation World Expo in Las Vegas, NV from July 30 to August 1st.

They are doing a survey and invites you to share your observations. The survey link is jdmm.wufoo.com/forms/survey-z7x2p1/.

Source: Jewish Deaf Multimedia

Published On: 11 Tammuz 5772 (11 Tammuz 5772 (July 1, 2012))