JDMM Art Gallery Addition: Bill Parker

BillparkerJDMM Art Gallery Addition: Bill Parker
Bill Parker, who is proficient in CAD (Computer Aided Design), has chosen to portray in his submission the ubiquitous symbol for Judaism: the Star of David (or in Hebrew, Magen David).

The Star of David has an intriguing history. Even though the symbol has been used in association with Judaism for thousands of years, it was only until the past few hundred years that it became a well-known symbol for Judaism. Today, most people associate it with the State of Israel. In less happier times, Jews were forced to wear the Star of David symbol on their clothing as a form of Jewish identification (as happened in the Holocaust).

      View JDMM Art Gallery – jewishdeafmm.org/parker-art

Source: Jewish Deaf Multimedia

Published On: 7 Elul 5772 (7 Elul 5772 (August 25, 2012))