Interpreted Chanukah event outside Boston

hanukahRay Feller announced that Temple Emeth is providing interpreters at their Chanukah event. “This is a very warm event every year–figuratively and physically, as there are many Chanukiya!,” Feller says.

“Everyone is welcome to bring their own Menorah and join in the candle lighting with friends, family, or on your own.

“The event goes from 6:00 to 8:00. Dinner will be served, but RSVPs are required so we make enough food. You can RSVP by contacting Cynthia at the Temple Office ([email protected] or 617.469.9400) Voice.

“We will enjoy performances by the children in the nursery school and religious school. It is always a beautiful evening!

“Cost is $10/person or $25/family. If you want to come and money is an issue, we can help–just let us know.

“Temple Emeth is located at 194 Grove St, Chestnut Hill (in Putterham Circle). There is parking available or you can take the 51 bus.

“Please feel free to contact me with any questions! My e-mail address is [email protected].”

Source: Jewish Signers of MA

Published On: 26 Kislev 5772 (26 Kislev 5772 (December 22, 2011))