Ann Rabinowitz, in a February 3rd blog for JewishGen Blog, shares reports from readers that Irish Census data search capabilities have increased. As a result, 400 additional Irish Jews were added to a database at the Irish Jewish Genealogical Society & Family History Center in Dublin. Among these increased search capabilities: religion, occupation, relationship to head of family, literacy status, county or country of origin, Irish language proficiency, specific illnesses, and child survival information.

Search of one family turned up a “dumb” daughter by a family born in Russia. The 4 year old daughter, Esther, was born in Switzerland and listed as dumb. Three other children were also listed as dumb: Sarah Enlander, Esther King and Mary Reubin; five were listed as deaf and dumb (Henry Abrahams, Emmanuel Percival Goodman, Edward Mirrelson, and two brothers in the same family, David and Max Purcell).

“I will end this discussion of the Irish Census,” Rabinowitz concludes, “with a thought regarding an event which is eagerly awaited by all researchers of Irish Jews, the imminent arrival of the on-line presence of the 1901 Irish Census. “This is expected to occur sometime in the next few months.”

Published On: 25 Adar 5770 (25 Adar 5770 (March 11, 2010))