In memory of Jewish deaf victims

In Amsterdam

In memory of the Jewish deaf victims of the Nazi regime from 1940 to 1945

During further research, JDCC News came across this information:

The Monument for Jewish Deaf War Victims is a memorial on the Hortusplantsoen in Amsterdam for deaf and hard of hearing Jewish victims of the Second World War . It was created at the initiative of the Dovenshoah Foundation [1] and unveiled on October 17, 2010.

The war memorial contains a rectangular base with an image of Truus Menger-Oversteegen on it . On the front of the base are a relief, designed by Bart Koolen, in which sign language is depicted world / deaf / stay, and inscriptions with the text as shown in the photo.

Source: Mordehai Lubecki, Facebook

Published On: 20 Tevet 5780 (20 Tevet 5780 (January 17, 2020))