April 15, 2010
On June 27th at 11AM, The Hebrew Seminary of the Deaf (HSD), the only Seminary of its kind in the world, will make history again by ordaining three new Rabbis. All female, this trio includes Ellen Roth, our first deaf student to be ordained as Rabbi. HSD has been in existence for 13 years, and is affiliated with The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. Their press release says “Our ordained Rabbis are also endorsed and recognized by The Chicago Board of Rabbis.”On the HSD website, Roth says “My enrollment to HSD’s rabbinical school was not planned, but was accidental. When I first met Rabbi Douglas Goldhamer, I was fascinated by his vast knowledge on various topics such as the Torah, Talmud and Kabbalah. Since I am deaf, I was overjoyed that I was able to communicate with him in sign language, because for the first time in my life, I can have in-depth conversations with a rabbi. I asked so many deep questions. Secondly, I called him for healing assistance. He told me about Kabbalah wisdom and prayers. That was the very beginning of my journey into Kabbalistic healing arts and rabbinical studies. The more I learn about the Torah, Talmud, Zohar and Kabbalistic studies, the more I want to learn and am very glad for the opportunity I have at HSD for higher learning. I look forward to sharing my knowledge and doing translation work on these great stories and Kabbalistic wisdom in ASL.
Not only that, I look forward to doing weddings, funerals, spiritual counseling and healing works.” The HSD website is www.hebrewseminarydeaf.org