Are you Jewish, age 18-26, and have never been to Israel with a group?

If so, you may qualify for a free 10-day trip to Israel this June! Taglit-Birthright Israel is offering a free trip to Israel, specially designed for deaf and hard of hearing students. You will travel with other Jewish deaf students and have the opportunity to meet deaf Israelis on this amazing trip. Online registration begins Wednesday, February 17 and will continue for approximately a week and a half. Once spaces are filled, registration will close, so register early. If you change your mind, you can always withdraw, but once registration closes, that’s it! After you register, Paula Tucker, Hillel director at Gallaudet University, will contact you for a personal interview and to complete the paperwork. To register, go to the website and select ASL/Bilingual trip. If there are any questions, contact Tucker at [email protected].

Published On: 20 Adar 5770 (20 Adar 5770 (March 6, 2010))