Over 2,400 registrants gathered together at the successful 2005 Deaf Seniors of America (DSA) conference held in San Francisco. One of the attractions there was the Deaf Wax Museum which was conceived by Don Baer. Over the years, he created eight life-sized wax figurines of well known personages that were part of Deaf history. They are: William E. “Dummy” Hoy, Juliette Gordon Low, Laurent Clerc, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, Alice Cogswell, Laura Dewey Bridgman, Laura C. Redden Searing, and finally, the eighth figurine, Frederick C. Schreiber. Fred’s figurine was unveiled during the DSA luncheon on September 2nd with his daughter, Beth, present. A New York product, he was the first Executive Director of the National Association of the Deaf and is famous for his quote “Ears are not important. It’s what’s between them that count.”

Published On: 30 Nisan 5770 (30 Nisan 5770 (April 14, 2010))