In the January/February 1999 issue of JDCC News, we reported that the Jewish Education Council in Montreal, Canada had decided to cut funding to enable Ryan Duchoeny to participate in classes. Frank Duchoeny, Ryan’s father, recently filed a complaint against the Jewish Education Council (JEC) with the Quebec Human Rights Commission on behalf of his 8-year-old profoundly deaf son, Ryan. He explains that Ryan had received services of a sign language interpreter/shadow for 1 1/4 years which made it possible for Ryan to attend a supplementary Jewish Hebrew School program. The Jewish Education Council (JEC), the central body for Jewish Education in Montreal which is part of Federation CJA, an umbrella organization for all Jewish agencies, required Duchoeny to undergo a financial means test and eventually determined that he should pay at least half the cost of the needed interpreter/shadow in addition to the full cost of admission to the school. Duchoeny feels that on principle and universal access, a financial means test “should not be contingent nor expected from the parents of a handicapped child”. Duchoeny believes that the Quebec Human Rights Commission is morally obligated to seek and require that educational institutions, be they private or secular, provide Interpreters and/or Shadows for handicapped children.

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))