Education at Congregation Bene Shalom

CharlesPickThe Charles Pick Religious School
We learn in a midrash that when our ancient Rabbis were asked: How do we guarantee the survival of the Jewish people? Their simple reply was, “GO to the houses of worship and study, go to the synagogues and listen. If you do not hear the voices of children chanting and learning, we will not survive. But, if you hear the voices of children engaged in Jewish learning, we will endure forever!”

We at Congregation Bene Shalom / Hebrew Association of the Deaf deeply believe that the Jewish education of our children is critical to our survival. We have therefore assembled a staff of trained professional educators, who believe that EVERY child is entitled to a Jewish Education, no matter what challenges he or she may face. With this goal in mind we have designed our program to facilitate each child’s persona) learning style, and meet his or her individual needs.

CharlesPick2We also believe that a child learns from what he sees. Therefore we provide many opportunities for parent study and participation throughout the year. It is with these objectives in mind, that we have established our educational program. Click here to learn about the benefits of an Charles Pick Religious School education.

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Published On: 21 Av 5770 (21 Av 5770 (August 1, 2010))