Deborah Graetz will be Temple Beth Solomon of the Deaf’s Student Rabbi starting in the fall in Tarzana, CA.

Deborah Graetz is currently a fourth-year rabbinic student at Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles. She is following in the footsteps of her father, a reform Rabbi at Temple Isaiah in northern California. She graduated from the University of California, Davis in 2001 with her BA in Classical Civilization and minor degree in Jewish Studies. Studies. She will receive her Master of Hebrew Letters in May 2007 and plans on ordination in May 2009. 

She was born in Argentina and grew up in Brazil before moving to the United States when she was 13 years old and learned sign language when she was 18 years old.

TBS will be welcoming their new student rabbi, Deborah for Shabbat and Simchat Torah Services on Friday, October 20 at 8pm. Temple Judea, Presidents’ Lounge 5429 Lindley Av, Tarzana CA 91356.

Published On: 30 Nisan 5770 (30 Nisan 5770 (April 14, 2010))