Deaf Yeshiva’s Rabbi Kakon Marries a Yeshivah Graduate

AvraamRubionovYeshivas Nefesh Dovid newsletter
Chanukah 2010

According to the Yeshivas Nefesh Dovid newsletter, Rabbi Kakon was “mesader kedushin” (leading the marriage ceremony) at the wedding of Avraam Rubinov, an alumnus of Nefesh Dovid, who got married in Lakewood, New Jersey in the fall of 2010. The chosson (groom), Avraam, made a special request that his Rosh Yeshiva be the one to marry the young couple and, only after Rabbi Yosef Rosenblum shlita, Rosh Hayeshiva of Shaarei Yosher of Boro Park and the grandfather of the kallah (bride), gave his approval, did Rabbi Kakon consent. There was not a dry eye in the room and the crowd was enormous as everyone leaned in to catch every word that was recited under the chupah. Rabbi Mattisyahu Solomon, shlita, who read the kesubah (marriage contract) was at Rabbi Kakon

Published On: 30 Kislev 5771 (30 Kislev 5771 (December 7, 2010))