Deaf Yeshiva Alumni launch website to raise funds

YNDSoulsAvraam Rubinov and Daniel Chernoff, alumni of Yeshiva Nefesh Dovid in Toronto, Canada have launched a website to raise funds.

“Rabbi Kakon helped to instill in each one of us the feeling that our Torah is worth more than all teh gold and silver that this world can provide,” Chernoff explains on, “I want to continue to keep the fir4es burning in each boy who goes through Nefesh Dovid just as I did.”

He is encouraging people who purchase any products through or to enter a special link so that Amazon or Endless can make contribution to Yeshiva Nefesh Dovid.

The new website with the links can be found at

Source: Daniel Chernoff

Published On: 1 Tevet 5772 (1 Tevet 5772 (December 27, 2011))