Deaf Russian Immigrants Sue Matzo Baker

baker Jeanne King with Reuters announced in early-April that ten deaf immigrants from the former Soviet aid, Union plan to sue Manischewitz, one of the world’s largest makers of Passover bread, and a labor union for alleged discrimination. Among the civil rights violations: the employer and union’s failure to provide sign language interpreters, and absence of flashing fire alarms. They are seeking damages of $36 million, according to the lawsuit that was about to be filed in Brooklyn federal court. Alan Rich, the attorney representing the deaf bakers, alleges that in a 1994 “major fire with a blackout … all the hearing people got out safely,” but that one person had to run back to inform a deaf baker of the fire and get him out of the building.

Published On: 2 Iyyar 5770 (2 Iyyar 5770 (April 16, 2010))